How to get your dream wife

1. When you meet a girl, don't think of sex first; don't ask for sex first. Even if you are a certified mkpi (he-goat), pretend that you are a monk for some time.

2. Don't go searching for a virgin, if you are not a virgin yourself. All the girls you have massacred, who will marry them? Besides, there is no proof that virgins make better wives or are more faithful in marriage.

3. If you are a "modern man," don't look for a "village girl that knows nothing." Soon you will start complaining that she is too local to fit into your circle of enlightened friends. Besides, a village girl may "wise up" and trouble will start in your home.

4. Don't look for a girl that is afraid of you: a girl you can always intimidate. Fear is not respect.

5. Don't be carried away by a girl's physical features: beauty, height, complexion, shape, breast shape, size and firmness, etc. They matter but they are not critical. In the long run, child-bearing and age affect these features. Besides, when you have married a woman for some years, her physical features stop "turning your head." At that time, what will attract you to her will be what is inside of her: intelligence, wisdom, self-control, patience, peace, gentleness, etc.

6. Don't be interested in a girl because of her wealth or her parents' wealth. Even if she is richer than you or her parents are richer, make it clear from the beginning that you will take care of your marriage yourself or that both of you will take care of your marriage together. Don't accept your in-laws taking care of your family responsibilities. Let them allow you to build your own home. After all, many of them were poorer than you are now when they got married. If they want you to upgrade to their level, let them support your business, eg by supplying their goods to you to sell and make your OWN money.

7. Look for a girl that shares many critical issues of life with you. And you will find these out during discussions and interactions. For example, if you love bribery and she hates it, it may cause you problems. If she loves going to church and you hate it, it may cause problems too.

8. Look for a girl that not just loves you but respects and admires you. When "love intoxication" wears out, the respect she has for you will keep her going. Also look for a girl you respect, so that she will not start irritating you later in life.

9. Look for a God-fearing lady, not a religious one. A religious person can do anything, but a God-fearing person has a conscience and will never think of certain things.

10. Look for a friend, not a saint or an angel - saints are usually acknowledged after they are dead, while angels live with God in Heaven!