Black Tears of a Nation
I was moved in tears on my desk when I saw pix of human
bodies from an attack in the early hours of April 14 at the popular Nyanya motor
park, Abuja. I could picture the number of casualties that the explosion had affected
because that place is a beehive of activities.
As I drop these lines, my face turned pale, my heart quakes,
my kneels buckle, my fingers shaking and my teeth grinds. I even saw myself fainting
that I had to rest my head on the desk to sum up courage.
While I my head to rest, I couldn’t but ponder: do we have a people oriented government that feels the pains of the poor masses? How long are we going to be faced with this trend? Do we attach any importance to a human life? Are we not tired of seeing horrible pix of human bodies littering public places?
Oh what a country of abundant human resources being wasted
away like mere chickens. It is crystal clear that among the casualties in all
these attacks, none is related to the prominent citizens because they obviously
have no business at that terminal.
I am beginning to believe we don’t even have a combatant
force. All we have are mere uniform men that greed and quest for wealth has
made them lose the strategy to defend the citizens in times of war.
If we are faced with a single group ravaging a region of the
country and the trained personnel are unable to curtail them, shall we be safe
the day our territorial boundaries will be broken with more sophisticated troops?
Who will come and salvage us from this dastardly act of
killings? In times of war we need somebody raw, rally the troops like a war
tasty warrior that we can trust to help to carry us through. This is that time.
Search! Search!! Search!!!
It’s hard to know that we do not have a tactical force that can rise
up to the challenge and put a stop to this raging war. If this battle must be
won, then we need a ‘TACTICAL GOVERNMENT’ that can initiate strategy to curb
the excesses of one sect before they grow into multiple sects. A snake seen by
one man can easily metamorphose into a python.
We need a government that won’t cover up the sponsors of this
group; a government that can boldly rise up and walk through the valley with us;
a government that will offend one to save her citizens.
Gradually we now live and expect to hear the next attack and
it has suddenly gotten to a stage where some of us no longer consider it news
worthy to hear that there was a recent attack. This is owing to the fact it has
become a norm. What a sad tale. We have become so used to the hard times and
casualties in our streets.
We cry for leaders and army troops that
understand our pain, people that hurt like we hurt, groan like we groan.
Oh how painful to see our homeland become hell
for us to dwell. We are trapped in horror, scared and bared searching for truth
to prevail and see if we can live free in our motherland.
I am tired of seeing bodies deceased on the screens of
television stations and online. Reminiscence
of tears as I remember the prevailing stories from the 30 months civil war of
1967 to 1970.
We need help God.